Monday, December 19, 2011

Floor Plan of Presentation

Since I'm doing a documentary, the set-up is pretty simple. A projector, a screen and a few seats are enough for the presentation.

Video References on Littering

I looked for videos about recycling that I may use as reference for my documentary and these are some interesting ones that I found.

A 30 second animation that tells people not to litter and promotes recycling.

A public service announcement about cleaning up New York directed by David Lynch. David Lynch is a well-known American filmmaker, television director, visual artist, musician and occasional actor who likes to "disturb, offend or mystify" his audiences.

A funny commercial that tells people to be careful when littering.

Another funny commercial produced for Keep Tennessee Beautiful. Keep Tennessee Beautiful is a public service program to educate and rally people to take personal responsibility for improving their community environment. This is their official site

Friends of the Urban Forest - A Documentary on Cigarette Litter from Jeff-Steven A. Mojica on Vimeo.

A documentary about cigarette litter by Jeff-Steven A. Mojica.